A rescue team, led by STNO II Odjer Jonathan, arrived at the crash scene at 1312 hours to find a collision involving a Toyota Land Cruiser (GC-9094-21), Toyota Land Cruiser (VR-2105-15), Mercedes Benz C180 (NR-1977-18), and a Benz Sprinter (GE-7256-14), the GNFS said.
“Of the eight victims, four had already been rescued by the public and taken to the hospital,” the statement said.
“The Mercedes Benz Sprinter and Benz C180 suffered significant damage to their engine compartments and windshields, while the rear of the Toyota Land Cruiser (GC-9094-21) was partially damaged, along with the Toyota Land Cruiser (VR- 2105-15),” the statement added.
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